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Green Apophyllite Mountain on Basalt

Green Apophyllite Mountain on Basalt


Green Apophyllite Mountain on Basalt from India


Superb green crystals with small white Stilbite, beautiful presenton in the shape of a mountain!

Size XL, old piece ofmuseum80s, so rare !

Crystallization shaped garnets.




Origin: Indori Mine, near Talagaon, India
Size: 23cm long by 17.5cm wide by 17cm high for 5kg222


Definition : I'apophylliteis not a speciesmineralbut a generic group name comprising three different species which form between them continuous series. These are allphyllosilicates. THEApophyllite are part ofZeolites, which also includesmineralssuch as thecalcite, Stilbites, Chalcedonies,Okenites, Gyrolites, Phrenites, Datolites,Scolecites,Heulandites, ... We also find thesemineralsin the form ofGeodes.

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