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Mini Rhodonite Dragon Skull

Mini Rhodonite Dragon Skull

Mini Rhodonite Dragon Skull.


Rhodonite Baby Dragon.

Skullofgreat finessewith a lot ofdetails,shaped by hand.

ThisSkullwill do thesatisfactionofpassionate,collectorsWhereenergy companies,for theLithotherapyor forpersonal development work.


Video :


  • Origin ofPierre:USA
  • Size: 4.5 cm long by 2.5 cm high by 2 cm wide for 30 gr
  • properties virtues: TheRhodoniteand theRhodochrositehave someenergetic virtuessimilar: Help withhealingmanyphysical, etheric and emotional problems.Helps fortifytheHeartand toharmonize the cardiovascular system,  toharmonizetheheartbeatTonifiesbut without annoying,gives energyandcalmat a time. Givescourage, help toachieve his goals,fightthemfearsand theanxieties.Harmonizationof theorganslower abdomen,sexual stimulant.fightthemskin allergies.Helps in blood purification,relieve osteoarthritis.Excellent protection stones against harmful electromagnetic waves.


Solinkyou will findThe Legend of the Crystal Skulls


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