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RARE Crystal Skull in Rhyolite "The Mediator"

RARE Crystal Skull in Rhyolite "The Mediator"

RARE Rhyolite Crystal Skull.


SkullinRhyolite it's acomposite natural stoneofVery rare blue quartze.

Skullshaped by hand.

Very powerful and exceptional!

ThisSkullwill do thesatisfactionofpassionate,collectorsWhereenergy companieseither for theLithotherapyor forpersonal development work.


Video :


  • Origin ofPierre:USA
  • Size: 10 cm long by 8 cm high by 6 cm wide for 933gr
  • properties virtues:Rhyolite. Help tointuition and creativity. Very effective fornervous system and anxiety, it gives usphysical and moral well-being.Shefortifiedthe linksloverand help withcommunication. Help tosolvethemConflictsinterior and exterior.


Solinkyou will findThe Legend of the Crystal Skulls


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