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RARE Mexican Crystal Skull in Obsidian

RARE Mexican Crystal Skull in Obsidian


Mexican Skull "Santa Muerte" RARE in Obsidian.

Mexican Crystal Skull in Black Obsidian.
Skullwith a lot ofdetails,shaped by hand.
Very powerful and exceptional!
ThisSkullwill do thesatisfactionofpassionate,collectorsWhereenergy companies,for theLithotherapyor forpersonal development work.


  • Origin of the stone:USA
  • Size: 8 cm long by 7 cm high by 6 cm wide for 470gr
  • properties virtues: L'Obsidian,help tounlockblockagesphysicalWherepsychological. Verypowerful stone of protectionagainst thenegative energies and magic spells or the occult.

Above are theenergy propertiesofbaseof thePierre, it should be noted that eachskull possesseshisspecial energyand theenergy effectsmay differ more or less strongly frombasic properties! It's up to you todiscoverhisnameand what youwill bring energy.Good work !

Solinkyou will findThe Legend of the Crystal Skulls


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