Calcite and Apophyllite stalactite and micro Stilbite
Calcite and Apophyllite stalactite and micro Stilbite from India.
TheApophyllitesarecrystallizedinPoint, verynice shiny piece.
Verylarge pointed crystals!RARE!She deserves her place in thefinest collectionsWherethe most prestigious showcases.
Origin:Kannad Mine, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
Size: 19cm by 15cm by 8cm for 1kg492
Definition : L'apophylliteis not a speciesmineralbut a generic group name comprising three different species which form between them continuous series. These are allphyllosilicates. TheApophylliteare part ofZeolites, which also includesmineralssuch as thecalcite, Stilbites, Chalcedonies,Okenites, Gyrolites, Phrenites, Datolites,Scolecites,Heulandites, ... We also find thesemineralsin the form ofGeodes.